10 Horrible Things Kakashi Did In 'Naruto'


10) Killing Haku This was something that he didn't do intentionally. He wanted to attack Zabuza, but Haku threw herself in between and as a result, suffered.

9) Killing Rin Killing Rin is one of the biggest regrets Kakashi has. This was also something he didn't do intentionally, but it was what pushed Obito over the edge. 

8) Lying To Naruto Kakashi was aware that he was Minato and Kushina's son but he never said a word to him. Kakashi could have told Naruto the truth.

7) Wasn't A Good Teacher To Sasuke Kakashi employed Anbu around Sasuke's hospital room after the chunin exam but he wasn't a good mentor to him. 

6) Neglecting Sakura Kakashi taught Sasuke and Naruto about various things and he paid great attention to them. However, he didn't do much for his third student, Sakura. 

5) Ignoring Sasuke And Naruto's Rivalry Kakashi knowingly ignored Sasuke and Naruto's rivalry. He could have talked to both of them and shown them ways to channel it properly.

4) Spied On Sarutobi Kakashi got selected to be a part of the Anbu root. However, unfortunately for him, he was manipulated by Danzo. He spied on the third Hokage for Danzo. 

3) Rule Following Kakashi followed every rule and didn't care about his teammates. He almost abandoned Rin and Obito to complete the mission instead of helping them. 

2) Blaming His Father Sakumo Hatake'S choice of saving his comrades over completing the mission got him shunned. Kakashi instead of valuing his choice, blamed him instead. 

1) Teaching Chidori Kakashi taught Sasuke Chidori. This is something that Sasuke should have avoided considering that he was aware of Sasuke's mental health.  

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