Know All About Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal

Monica Lewinsky began work at the White House as an intern in July 1995, and had her first sexual encounter with the former president on November 15 of that year. Their affair continued until March 29, 1997.

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Despite several sexual allegations scandal, PResident Bill Clinton was re-elected to his office on November 5, 1996. The Supreme Court ruled on May 27, 1997 that despite the president being in office, he could be sued in a civil case.

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Linda Tripp, a civil servant and colleague of Lewinsky's, began recording their conversations, where Lewinsky would talk of her affair with the president. She gave these tapes to Starr in January 1998, in exchange for immunity from prosecution.

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Now a famous quote, President Bill Clinton denied having "sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky," at the end of a TV address on January 26, 1998.

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On December 19, 1998, the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Bill Clinton on two of four proposed articles. These were perjury in a grand jury case (that of Starr's investigation) and obstruction of justice. On February 12, 1999, the Senate voted to acquit President Clinton of those charges.

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