Britney Spears Lashes Out At Her Father Jamie Spears

Britney Spears has lashed out at her father Jamie on Instagram with a series of her throwback photos.

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Why did you and the family go along with it and treat me like a f–king dog???”, she wrote. “What Makes You So Goddamn Special???"

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What Makes Your Other Daughters So Goddamn Special That You Treated Me Less Than A F–KING Dog???”, she continued. She said that she prays “to f–king god you get just 5 minutes of the pain I felt” and that he “burn[s] in hell you sorry son of a bitch !!!

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The ‘Till The World Ends‘ singer  wrote: Then in the conservatorship, I felt absolutely nothing. I was sad, had no say in my looks in photoshoots, had to follow guidelines. I will say it until the day I f–king die, my family ruined my f–king life !!!

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Britney has been calling out her family members via social media (including her mother Lynne) ever since her conservatorship was suspended in October last year.

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