Who Is Sabbac?: Main Villain Of Black Adam Movie

In the DC Universe, there have been a number of villains by the name of Sabbac, but they all draw strength from the same source.

- Lorem Ipsum

Sabbac is empowered by six of the darkest demons in the DC Universe, just as Shazam and Black Adam take strength from six potent gods.

- Lorem Ipsum

Satan, Aym, Belial, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Crateis are Sabbac's patron demons, who bestow upon him their abilities.

- Lorem Ipsum

Sabbac is far more powerful than Black Adam, who considers himself to be a god among mankind.

- Lorem Ipsum

Sabbac can breathe fire and frequently enlarges to the size of a small building. When the situation seems hopeless, the demons who give Sabbac their strength desert their host.

- Lorem Ipsum

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