Which Kar-Jen Sisters Have The Most Plastic Surgery?

Which Kar-Jen Sisters Have The Most Plastic Surgery?

Kourtney Kardashian has been open about her boob implants when she was in college, but she regrets it.

Khloe Kardashian has confessed about her rhinoplasty i.e., nose job. But, her revenge bodyt is said to be result of liposuction. She is speculated to have butt augmentation, boob job, and lip fillers. 

Kim Kardashian admitted she had botox on the forehead and between the eyebrows, but denies any other surgery. Experts says that she had rhinoplasty, Vaser liposunction. 

Kendall Jenner is considered to be 'the most natural' amongst Kar-Jern clan. Though she is a model, she is speculated to have done rhinoplasty and lip fillers.

Kylie Jenner, the youngest sister is said to have multiple surgeries. Though she credits it to good make up and hair-do. It is believed that she had lip injections and reversal treatments. Along with these, she also had face sculpting, botox fillers, jawline fillers, and Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

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