Marvel's Black Knight: All You Need To Know

2021 Eternals gave fans a slight view of Marvel's Black Knight played by Kit Harington, the Game of Thrones star.

In one of the post credit scenes of Eternals, Kit is seen in a study shakingly nervous. On the the table is a gigantic wooden case with paintings and engravings. When Dane opens the case, on the inside of the lid he reads a Latin phrase scratched on the wood.

The phrase says "Mors Mini Lucrum" which translates as Death is my reward. We see the Ebony Sword wrapped up in linen cloth and as Dane hovers his hand over the sword we see the sword reaching out for Whitman.

Marvel confirmed at the end of the clip that Kit will return as Black Knight in the movie Blade with Academy Award winner, Marheshala Ali.

Who Is Black Knight? Black Knight is a title whose mantle has been passed down from generations along with the mystical cursed sword, Ebony Blade. The first Black Knight was Sir Percy Blade from King Arthur's timeline. Next to carry the torch was the supervillain, Nathan Garrett, descendant of Sir Percy.

And finally the Black Knight we will see performing is Nathan's nephew, Dane Whitman. In the comics Dane has joined with various superhero groups over the course of his mini-comic series. He has fought along side the Avengers, Defenders, Ultraforce, Heros for Hire and MI-13.

Will Black Knight Become A Villain? The Ebony Sword is cursed. It so follows when the sword sheds blood, the sanity of the weilder breaks down with every use. The user of the sword is slave to the will of the blade. In the comics, Dane even turns into stone and dies once while using the sword non-stop. Could we see Dane turn into a supervillain like his uncle?

However, to fans disappointment, the movie's premier in which Black Knight was supposed to make his debut, Blade, has been postponed from 3 November 2023 to 6 September 2024.

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