Elizabeth Debicki On Playing Princess Diana

Debicki said that she had auditioned for the second season but didn’t land a role. However, the makers saw “something Diana-y in that audition.”

She said that “just on a human level, I found it all fascinating, I found the stories fascinating, I found the fact to be so much stranger than fiction, often, in this period of the ’90s of their lives.”

Also, the effect that Princess Diana has on people when you watch her and when you listen to her, she has that effect on me, we all have that feeling towards her. She’s so mesmerizing and watchable", Debicki said.

When asked about the previous depictions of Diana, Debicki said: “I think one of the things that’s lovely about The Crown is that because somebody’s played your part before you, it’s a kind of lovely leveler in a way.”

The actress also talked about the most challenging scene in the show. “In particular, there’s a scene with Imelda in episode eight, where Diana goes to tell the Queen that she’s done the Panorama interview.

And there’s this sort of turning point in that scene, which I just found devastating. … But I also love my job. When something is the most challenging, it’s also the most satisfying as an actor“, she explained.

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