How Strong Is Goku's Great Ape Form?

The Saiyans of Universe 7 can transform into the huge, anthropomorphic, monkey-like Great Ape during the full moon (or a comparable object) to greatly improve their already impressive strength. According to Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File, Saiyans were once Great Apes that developed intelligence and assumed a human form.

What Is A Great Ape?

The Saiyan must have a tail for the transformation because those are the only places where the glands needed to start the change may be found. To begin the metamorphosis, the Saiyan must also absorb at least 17 million Zeno units of Blutz Waves through his or her eyes. Only sunlight reflected by a moon contains Blutz Waves.

Requirements For Turning Into A Great Ape

The limitations of this particular form are less but quite significant. Any Saiyan who does not possess a tail cannot turn into a great ape. If the moon’s light is obstructed by clouds or something else, the transformation becomes slow. The biggest drawback, however, is that the the Saiyan loses his ability to reason and becomes a sort of killing machine

Limitations of this forms

The limitations of this particular form are less but quite significant. Any Saiyan who does not possess a tail cannot turn into a great ape. If the moon’s light is obstructed by clouds or something else, the transformation becomes slow. The biggest drawback, however, is that the the Saiyan loses his ability to reason and becomes a sort of killing machine

How Strong Is A Great Ape?

Goku is one of the strongest Saiyans in the anime if not the strongest. After turning into the great ape, Goku’s power becomes roughly 180,000. This is equal to his power after he trained in 100 times gravity and defeated Burter and Recoome. 

How Strong Is Goku's Ape Form?

Goku transformed into the golden great ape when even his super Saiyan 3 form proves to be ineffective against Baby Vegeta. Goku’s tail is regrown by Kai and he transforms into a great ape.

In this form, he can overpower baby Vegeta but is not focused on fighting him. In conclusion, Goku’s great ape may be the most muscular great ape amongst the Saiyans as his power before the transformation is greater as well.

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