Joe Jonas Auditioned For ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’

In an interview with Variety, Jonas talked about auditioning and not getting the lead part in ‘The Amazing Spider-Man.’

In the moment, you’re destroyed or you’re defeated“, he recalled. He continued, “But you realize this person was brilliant. I remember years ago I was up for Spider-Man and I was so, so excited and it was the year Andrew Garfield got it.”

“Obviously, he was the right one. But I remember that was a big thing at the time, going back for callbacks and the director used to be a music video director", he added.

So I was like, “I got an in here.” But you know what? I love the process of auditioning and putting yourself out there and having to prove yourself.”

Andrew got the role and he went on to star in two 'Spider-Man' films in the franchise.

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