Mark Zuckerberg Sets Leadership Goals With Message To Laid Off Meta Employees

Naveena Prasad M. 


Facebook recently laid off 13% of its employees. This was a total of 11000 employees.

"I view layoffs as a last resort," Mark Zuckerberg said. They had tried all other ways of cost-cutting before coming to this decision.

But there are some factors that make this layoff more acceptable and less chaotic- one is effective leadership. 

Elon Musk

Mark Zuckerberg took the responsibility for whatever happened, that led to the layoff. He also apologized for his faulty steps and misguided decisions.

There are companies that fire employees through tweets and zoom. But Zuckerberg made sure that the news is passed on to employees by the immediate managers.

The Meta CEO also held video conferences with the group of employees being laid off making sure they get the needed clarity.

There are also a number of benefits being offered by the company to its laid-off employees including severance, PTO, immigration support, health insurance, and career service.

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