Yash Singh

What Is The Origin Of Santa Claus?

Santa Claus is a big character in the Christmas celebration who brings gifts for children during the evening and late hours of Eve.

The folklore of Saint Nicholas is said to be the basis of Santa Claus who is a popular figure in European culture.

This character merged with the English character Father Christmas to create the Santa Claus we know now.

The word is said to be a phonetic change from the Dutch word Sinterklaas. In the 19th century, an 1821 book describes through an anonymous poem about Santeclaus.

The traditions surrounding Santa Claus include a chimney which is said to be his entry point in houses. In several pre-Christian Norse traditions as well as the Italian Befana tradition, the significance of the Chimney has been mentioned.

In the US and Canada, children leave a glass of milk along with cookies for Santa. Several other countries have different traditions of leaving different food items for Santa to consume.

When it comes to appearance, Santa is often depicted as a fun and jolly, white-bearded spectacle-wearing man.

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