Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s Reps Respond To Jeremy Clarkson

Yash Singh


British media personality Jeremy Clarkson made some strange remarks about the Duchess of Sussex which weren’t received well. The Sun issued an apology and removed his column.

A spokesperson of the couple issued a statement to the BBC over this apology.

The fact that the Sun has not contacted The Duchess of Sussex to apologize shows their intent,” the statement said.

This is nothing more than a PR stunt". the statement further added.

They said that a response was needed for “the public,”  but a “shift” in how the British outlet covers Harry and Meghan would be a “true apology.”

While the public absolutely deserves the publication’s regrets for their dangerous comments, we wouldn’t be in this situation if The Sun did not continue to profit off of and exploit hate, violence and misogyny,” the statement added.

Clarkson wrote an article for The Sun that Harry is just a puppet in the hands of his wife. He also wrote several vile things about Meghan in that article.

He said that he was “dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps of excrement at her”.

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