Elon Musk-Owned Twitter Limits Tweet Frequency


Twitter under Elon Musk’s leadership has been going through several changes.

On Tuesday, the company limited the frequency of tweets an account can send.

This had an impact on business and individual accounts that received error messages about exceeding the “daily limit for sending Tweets.”

Twitter has limited the number of direct messages and tweets one can send daily. 2,400 has been the daily tweet limit, which also includes retweets.

Twitter’s Help Center site has stated that “the daily update limit is further broken down into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals.”

Users received the message to “try again in a few hours after the limit period has elapsed,” however the time period is unknown.

Its Help Page site said the limits are to “alleviate some of the strain on the behind-the-scenes part of Twitter and reduce downtime and error pages.”

Musk has been making sweeping changes in the company to cut costs and make a profit.

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