Harvey Weinstein’s “Jane Doe 1” Survivor Reveals Her Identity


Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to 16 years in prison recently by the court on three counts of rape and sexual assault.

Among the several victims of his predatory behavior, the first Jane Doe has come forward and revealed her identity.

Evgeniya Chernyshova, the mother of a 16-year-old daughter and 23-year-old son, has come forward.

The disgraced movie mogul was found guilty of raping her in 2013 in a hotel room.

The Russian-born woman received the news via a text from her attorney.

I had to ask my daughter if I understood the English correctly,” she said. “She’s like, ‘Why are you crying, mom? It’s good.’”

Weinstein was charged with raping four women, but only Chernyshova’s case was the only one that resulted in a conviction.

She testified during the trial and was the only one who delivered a statement in court. “I’m tired of hiding,” she said while speaking publicly for the first time.

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