HomeTop 10 Disturbing And Dark Sexual Stories From Greek Mythology

Top 10 Disturbing And Dark Sexual Stories From Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology is rich with stories of morals, honesty, virtuosity, and other things. They have been read and shared for years. Their stories and characters are fascinating enough to inspire dozens of literature, films, and whatnot.

But there is one aspect of it that’s not very talked about. It’s the sexual nature of their stories that might put our generation to shame. The mythology is the evidence that all the sexual content is not a modern invention. Here are some of the stories.

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Unbelievable Sexual Stories From Greek Mythology

10. Theodotis


This story of extreme possessiveness is not known in detail yet. But one of the legends has it that Ammonion, the son of Hermitarus had bound the daughter of Aeus Theodotis. She was bound to the snake’s tail, the crocodile’s mouth, the ram’s horns, the asp’s poison, the cat’s whiskers, and the god’s appendage. It was done so that she would never have intercourse with another man.

9. Minotaur

King Minus
King Minus

King Minus had two brothers and he boasted about his support from god. To prove it, he prayed to god for a bull from the depths of the ocean and swore to sacrifice it. The Lord answered his prayer but Minus tricked him. He sacrificed another bull while keeping the majestic one to himself. The lord cursed his wife Queen Pasiphae that she would lust for the bull. She gave birth to Minotaur, who was half bull and half human.

8. Alcmene


Alcmene was known for her astonishing beauty. Zeus took a liking for the wife of Amphitrian, the king of Tyrans. But he knew she would not agree to sleep with him. So he decided to trick her. While her husband was away on a military expedition, Zeus took the form of Amphitrian and spent three nights with her. Alcmene was unaware that this wasn’t her husband. With this union, she birthed Heracles, who was half god and half mortal.

7. Danae

Danae and Zeus
Danae and Zeus

She was the daughter of King Acrisius of Argos who imprisoned her because of a prophecy. It said her son would kill Acrisius. To prevent this from happening, her father jailed her and forbade men from visiting her in the dungeon. But Zeus liked her and wanted to meet her. He infiltrated Danae’s cell from the roof in the form of a rain of gold. The two created Perseus who eventually killed Acrisius. These stories are proof of how promiscuous the Greek gods were.

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6. Medusa


Medusa was once a very beautiful and attractive priestess of Athena. But legend has it that she broke her vow of celibacy, leading Athena to punish her. Turns out, it was because the ocean god Poseidon raped her after Medusa rejected his sexual advances. Unknowing of this, Athena turned her into a hideous creature. Her hair turned into snakes and her skin into a greenish hue. She was later killed by Perseus.

5. Europa


The daughter of King Phoenicia, Europa, once went to the field to gather flowers. Zeus caught her eyes and vowed to keep her. He transformed himself into a gentle white bull to woo her. Europa saw him and eventually started petting him. She also rode the bull. Zeus took the opportunity and abducted her to the sea towards the island of Crete. Europa then became the Queen of Crete. She also became the mother of King Minos of Crete.

4. Ganymede


Ganymede was considered to be the most beautiful of all men. He caught the attention of none other than Zeus who loved his physicality. It is said that Zeus sent or transformed himself into an eagle and kidnapped Ganymede. Zeus carried him to his throne at Olympus. He granted him immortality if Ganymede became his lover. The age when Ganymede became Zeus’s lover isn’t known. However, several people believe that he was a teen. It is considered to involve pedophilia and homosexuality.

3. Ixion


In Greek mythology, Ixion had to pay the bride price to his father-in-law. But he threw him into burning coals and was thus shunned by humanity. Zeus then brought him to Olympus where he tried to woo Zeus’s wife. To examine if Ixion could woo his wife, he created a cloud. Ixion impregnated it with Centaurus. They united with several horses and their offsprings or centaurs. A constellation named after the Centaur is Sagittarius.

2. Myrrha


Cenchreis, Myrrha’s mother, kept on boasting about her beauty claiming that she was more alluring than goddess Aphrodite. This led her to curse Myrrha to lust for her father. She tried to control her desire but gave up eventually. She seduced him in the dark while her mother was away. When the truth was discovered, Zeus converted her into a tree. She gave birth to her child with her father in a tree form. He was known as Adonis.

1. Cassandra


Cassandra was considered to be the most beautiful girl in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of Priam, the King of Troy. Apollo, the son of Zeus, was head over heels in love with Cassandra. To woo her, he offered her a gift to envision the future that she accepted. In return, she had to give sexual advances, which she rejected. Apollo, as an act of vengeance, cursed that her prophecies wouldn’t be acknowledged. So the Trojan War took place because no one believed in her.

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