    HomeMarvelMarvel Is Planning To Bring Back Stan Lee Cameos With The Help...

    Marvel Is Planning To Bring Back Stan Lee Cameos With The Help Of AI and Deepfake Technology

    Stan Lee is the author, editor, publisher, and producer of Marvel. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is built around Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Doctor Strange, and obviously Spider-Man. All these characters have one thing in common, they were all created by Stan Lee.

    Lee has also appeared in a number of MCU films. He appeared in “Spider-Man” franchises, Fox’s “X-Men” films and Disney’s “Big Hero 6”. Lee died at the age of 95 in 2018. But before he died he recorded many cameos and because of this very reason, he appeared in many MCU movies posthumously. The movies include  “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”, “Captain Marvel” and “Avengers: Endgame”. Looks like, Disney has found another way of bringing Lee back.

    All About Marvel’s Fancy New Deal

    Stan Lee
    Stan Lee

    Sources have already revealed that MCU has signed a deal with Genius Brands International and POW. It is a 20 years deal. Marvel Universe’s new joint venture will make it possible for Lee to appear in new films, TV productions, and even in Disney theme parks. There will be more merchandising of Lee as well. This has brought back the possibility of Lee’s cameos to return once again using CGI and old footage.

    Genius Brand’s CEO and chairman Andy Heyward wrote, “It really ensures that Stan, through digital technology and archival footage and other forms, will live in the most important venue, the Marvel movies, and Disney theme parks. It’s a broad deal.” Though MCU has not taken any fixed decision and it’s just a possibility.

    Fans’ Reaction To Stan Lee Returning In The MCU Movies

    Stan Lee
    Stan Lee

    Stan Lee’s cameos in the MCU were absolute fan favorites. However, there is a possibility of a mixed response from fans for bringing Lee back using CGI and old footage. Disney already tried to bring back characters in movies like  “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” and “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” but sadly the attempts met with a mixed response. Some fans and critics didn’t really like it and questioned the whole system. Despite all that, some directors have still attempted it like James Dean starring via CGI in a Vietnam War film.

    There is still no decision from Disney or Marvel Cinematic Universe to bring the cameos back. There is still a possibility that they might listen to the fans. Let’s see what decision they actually take regarding bringing Stan Lee back to the movies. Up until that fans can see Lee in the theme parks and various merchandise.

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    Ahana Modak
    Ahana Modak
    Ahana is a movie buff currently working at First Curiosity Entertainment section. She is a prefinal year MBBS student. After long hours of hospital duty you can find her in a corner drowned in a movie or some new series that she found after reading multiple reviews. If by any chance she is in mood for something different she reads fiction books to relax herself.

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