10) Naruto And Sasuke Naruto has always tried to turn Sasuke over to the good side despite Sasuke's crimes and deeds. Naruto still considers Sasuke to be his friend.
9) Suzaku And Lelouch Lelouch is the villain and the hero. However, as someone who's considered a villain in the show, he still was friends with Suzaku and never managed to cut ties with him.
8) Goku And Vegeta Saying that Goku and Vegeta are friends may be a stretch according to some fans. However, despite Vegeta's bad deeds, they're a team.
7) Erza And Jellal Jellal committed many atrocities in his time as a villain. Erza still loved him despite all of it. The two even stayed friends even after Jellal went on a journey to repent for his sins.
6) Mavis And Zeref Mavis and Zeref were always more than friends. Despite Zeref's deeds, Mavis remained cordial with him. Even though the two were on opposite sides, they never hated the other.
5) Kirito And Heathcliff The two worked together many times and Heathcliff was one of Kirito's close friends. However, that all fell away when Kirito found out that Heathcliff is the creator of the game.
4) Yugi And Bakura Bakura had a darkness inside him that wanted Yugi and his friends dead. Yugi stayed friends with him despite that and even helped him defeat the said darkness.
3) Jonathan And Dio Jonathan and Dio are nowhere near friends. However, the two of them did maintain a facade of civility.
2) Annie And The Others Annie committed multiple atrocities as the female Titan. However, Armin, Mikasa, and the others forgave her and befriended her.
1) Goku And Frieza It may be a stretch to call the two of them friends. However, Frieza did help them in the tournament of power and gave it his all. They are on cordial terms as of now.