10 Anime Heroes Who Are Totally Perverts


Kon may be a stuffed toy, but he's an actual pervert. He enjoys mature magazines and is a pervert through and through. 

10) Kon 

Sanji's main reason for joining Luffy's crew was Nami. He even enjoys it when she hits him to stop him from harassing her. 

9) Sanji 

Hisoka's innate perversion is centered around blood and violence. He is the creepy kind of pervert. 

8) Hisoka 

Issei has a reputation for being a creep in his high school. His ability to dress break undresses every girl that he comes in contact with. 

7) Issei

Kuroko is obsessed with getting intimate with Misaki. Her obsession has earned her the reputation of a pervert. 

6) Kuroko

Jiraiya is known for writing some of the most erotic books in the anime. He is a hardcore pervert and has no shame in admitting it. 

5) Jiraiya 

Master Roshi may be an amazing teacher, but he's a massive pervert. He enjoys wide-thigh workouts and dirty magazines immensely. 

4) Master Roshi 

Happosai takes perversion to a different level. He is a very perverted character and often steals girls' undergarments. 

3) Happosai 

Mineta is very creepy and a thorough pervert. The girls in his class do not like him because of his creepy and weird remarks.

2) Mineta 

Nishinoya thanked Hinata in his mind for accidentally pushing him so that he could land on a girl's chest. 

1)  Nishinoya 

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