10 Evidences That Will Convince You That Alien Life Exists


NASA’s Viking landers conducted tests on the soil samples of Martian. Following an experiment, the production of radioactive methane hinted that something in the soil metabolized the nutrients, leading to the radioactive gas.

1976, The Viking Mars landers detect chemical signatures indicative of life

Ohio State University radio telescope detected a pulse of radiation near the constellation Sagittarius in 1977. It was within the band of radio frequencies where transmissions were internationally banned on Earth.

1977, The unexplained extraterrestrial “Wow!” signal is detected by an Ohio State University radio telescope

NASA scientists revealed in 1996 that they discovered fossilized microbes in a potato-shaped lump of Martian rock. The rock had organic molecules and tiny specs of the mineral magnetite.

1996, Martian “fossils” are discovered in meteorite ALH84001 from Antarctica

US radio astronomer Frank Drake formed an equation in 1961 to help find the number of planets that has intelligent life which can communicate with everyone in the galaxy. The equation showed positive results.

2001, More rigorous calculations connected to the 1960s “Drake equation” suggests that our galaxy may contain hundreds of thousands of life-bearing planets

NASA researchers hinted that alien microbes could be behind Europa’s red tinge. The surface is mostly ice but the data reveals it to be reflecting infrared radiation oddly.

2001, The red tinge of Jupiter’s moon Europa proposed to be due to frozen bits of bacteria, which also helps explain the mysterious infrared signal it gives off

According to Russian astrobiologists in 2002, a microbe called Deinococcus radiourans was born on Mars. The planet’s atmosphere has a lot of radiation and the bugs can receive the same dose in the next hundred thousand years.

2002, Russian scientists argue that a mysterious radiation-proof species of microbe may have evolved on Mars

The University of Texas astrobiologists claimed in 2002 that life in the clouds of Venus can explain some curious anomalies in the composition of its atmosphere.

2002, Chemical hints of life are found in old data from Venus probes and landers. Could microbes exist in Venusian clouds?

Sulphur traces in Europia can be a sign of alien life as per Italian scientists. They were first found by the Galileo space probe alongside evidence of a volcanically warned ocean beneath the icy crust of the moon.

2003, Sulphur traces on Jupiter’s moon Europa may be the waste products of underground bacterial colonies

Three groups using telescopes on Earth and Mars Express brought evidence of methane into the atmosphere in 2004. A majority of methane in the atmosphere has been produced by bacteria and other life.

2004, Methane in the Martian atmosphere hints at microbial metabolism

Astronomers searching for the extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) project in 2003 used a telescope in Puerto Rico to examine 200 sections of the sky that had a lot of unexplained radio signals.

2004, A mysterious radio signal is received by the SETI project on three occasions – from the same region of space

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