10 Live-Action Movies You Didn't Know Were Based On Anime 


This movie was a blockbuster and has been inspired by a manga called 'All You Need Is Kill'.

10) Edge Of Tomorrow

Whilst this movie wasn't entirely based on an anime, it was most definitely inspired by 'Ghost In The Shell'.

9) The Matrix 

Black Swan is a psychological film and has been greatly loved by the fans. It was inspired by 'Perfect Blue'.

8) Black Swan 

Inception is heavily based on an anime called 'Paprika'. In both, a machine has been used to influence people's dreams.

7) Inception 

Dark City was inspired by an anime called 'Akira'. The director Proyas stated that he drew inspiration from Akira for his film.

6) Dark City 

The movie is based on the manga of the same name. Jackie Chan and Joey Wong play Ryo and Kaori. 

5) City Hunter 

The movie is based on a series under the same name. It follows the story of Joey who was kept in solitary confinement for 20 years. 

4) Old Boy 

Road To Perdition is based on a manga series called Lone Wolf and Cub. The timeline of the movie was different from the manga. 

3) Road To Perdition

The movie is based on a cyberpunk manga called Ganmu. It is set in the year 2563. 

2) Alita: Battle Angel 

The movie stars Jun Ji Hyun. It is based on an anime and its sequels are Blood -C, Blood+, and more.

1) Blood: The Last Vampire 

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