10 Most Cowardly Characters In Anime


Shinji isn't exactly at fault for being a coward because he's just a teenager. However many fans find him to be very cowardly. 

10) Shinji Ikari 

Ichiya is the kind of person who would run when there's danger but would fight if he has to. 

9) Ichiya 

During the first half of the show, all Yukiteru did was cry and hide behind Yuno. He didn't stand up for himself at all. 

8) Yukiteru 

He is a smart coward. He runs when he knows that he cannot win and doesn't fight with opponents stronger than himself. 

7) Orochimaru

Kuniharu is a major coward. He licks his boss' feet in order to stay in his good graces and doesn't rebel at all. 

6) Kuniharu Saiki 

Hannes never had to fight, but when the moment came, he chose to flee. Whilst his decision weighed on him, it was still a cowardly move. 

5) Hannes

Sekke picked on Asta because he deemed him the weakest. He always talked about how great he was but he never did anything to back it up. 

4) Sekke

Even though he wants to become a hero, Mineta never wants to take action and always complains about how hopeless the situation is. 

3) Mineta 

It was quite funny that he always said that he was stronger than Meruem but he actually got extremely scared and even aged 50 years when he saw him. 

2) Welfin

Zenitsu is extremely powerful, but he is also a coward. He tries to avoid conflict at all costs and doesn't put himself in danger. 

1) Zenitsu 

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