10 Most Toxic Anime Relationships


10) Light And Misa Misa was obsessed with Light and was willing to do anything for him. Light knew this fact and manipulated her into doing his bidding. 

9) Akito And Shigure Akito and Shigure, on their own, are extremely toxic. Akito with her possessive tendencies and violent temper and Shigure with his manipulative tendencies. 

8) Kyoya And Erika Kyoya agreed to fake date Erika on the condition that she becomes his dog. Even after Kyoya became a little soft, he treated her like an object. 

7) Haru And Shizuku Haru threatened Shizuku with sexual assault. Instead of reporting him Shizuku still chose to hang out with him and started liking him after some time. 

6) Endeavor And Rei He is hated for all the trauma he has caused his family. Rei got so mentally unstable that she burned her son, only because Shoto reminded her of his father. 

5) Sakura And Sasuke It seems that even after being together for years Sasuke, and Sakura don't know each other well. Sakura stalked Sasuke and he tried to kill Sakura. 

4) Goku And Chi-Chi Goku has no regard for Chi-Chi or her feelings, he doesn't even think about her when making decisions. Chi-Chi on the other hand, yells at Goku for small things.

3) Mugi And Hanabi Mugi and Hanabi started dating each other in hopes of moving on from their respective former loves. Their reason for dating each other is toxic in itself. 

2) Ranma And Akane Akane being a tsundere does not express her jealousy directly, but rather becomes rude and violent . Ranma on the other hand does nothing to condone her.

1) Yuno and Yukiteru Yuno is highly possessive and will kill anyone if they get too close to Yuki. Yuki on the other hand, chooses to stay with her even after knowing the kind of things she does. 

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