10 Visually Stunning Fighting Style In Anime


Gojo's Domain expansion is based on the abundance of everything. It looks very beautiful and is just as dangerous. 

10) Gojo's Infinite Void

Esdeath utilizes the power of ice. Her attacks and powers are just as cold and beautiful as she is. 

9) Esdeath's Ice Power

Douma is another ice user. He can create his clones and a giant statue, which looks beautiful. 

8) Douma's Blood Demon Art

This is Kuchiki Byakuya's Bankai. With this Bankai, Byakuya covers the entire area with cherry blossoms and it is majestic. 

7) Senbonzakura Kageyoshi

Killua uses lightning as a transmuter. All of his attacks are based on it and his entire body lit by electricity looks phenomenal. 

6) Killua's Lightning 

Netero uses the 100-type Guanyin Bodhisattva. In this, there is a statue with a hundred arms. It looks very scary and pretty.

5) Netero's Guanyin Bodhisattva

This is Sukuna's domain expansion. The entire place shifts to a shrine that looks a little scary but at the same time is quite pretty. 

4) Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine

Natsu uses dragon Slayer powers. His powers look very aesthetically pleasing in addition to being effective. 

3) Natsu's Powers

Lucy has multiple celestial spirits and now can use celestial dresses. Each dress corresponds with a different spirit and they look beautiful. 

2) Lucy's Celestial Dress

This is the bankai of Yamamoto. It looks quite simple with a single blade, but some of his attacks are quite beautiful. 

1) Yamamoto's Zanka No Tachi

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