12 Celebrities With Ridiculously High IQs


James Franco’s IQ score is 130. He pursued his graduation from different schools like UCLA and Columbia and is popular for his eclectic interests. He has published a book of poetry.

Snoop Dogg’s IQ is more than 147 and his music and lyrics are proof of his intelligence. The wordplay of his songs is considered to be a work of art.

With an IQ of 152, Kate Beckinsale is also intelligent. She was studying at Oxford University when she started her movie career.

Nicole Kidman’s IQ is reported to be 132 and the reason is her parents. Her mother was a nursing instructor and her father was a biologist and clinical psychologist.

Jodie Foster’s IQ is similar to Nicole Kidman's. She graduated with honors from Yale and is fluent in English, French, Italian, Spanish and German.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has also been a genius. The reason he has been successful as an actor, bodybuilder, and politician is his intelligence.

Madonna has an impressive IQ of 140. She is known for her high grades and also acquired a scholarship for the University of Michigan.

Natalie Portman has a strong mind with a similar IQ to Madonna. She has a degree from Harvard and is fluent in five languages.

With a similar IQ to Madonna and Portman, Shakira can write her songs. She has a fluent or partial understanding of seven languages and studied at UCLA.

Steve Martin has an IQ of 142 and he aimed to become a professor while studying at California State University. He then majored in theater.

Nolan Gould holds an IQ of 150 and is a member of the high-IQ society called Mensa. His membership in this society is proof of his intelligence.

Lisa Kudrow has a remarkable mind with an IQ of 152. She has a degree from Vassar College and helped her father with a research project focusing on the relationship between being left-handed and developing headaches.

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