7 Anime Characters Who Are Pure Evil


Some characters in anime became evil due to some tragic events in their life. However, some characters are twisted and evil by their very nature. Here are the evilest characters in anime. 

7) Dio Brando Dio Brando is a very evil yet cunning character. He likes inflicting pain on others and he did some very questionable things to make Jonathan's life hell.

6) The Major The major is a self-absorbed nazi. He was responsible for a war that killed thousands, and instead of feeling guilty, he enjoyed that bloodbath. 

5) Yuno Yuno is protective of Yukiteru, but she is most definitely evil. She is a Yandere and it shows. She likes to hurt people and has no qualms about even killing people. 

4) Light Light Yagami started using the death note for his sense of justice, but his motives soon turned selfish. He killed and used multiple people for his good. 

3) Father Father from 'Fullmetal Alchemist' sacrificed an entire country to achieve more power. He happily sacrificed the people of a country to try to challenge the gods.

2) Shou Tucker Shou Tucker is another character from 'Fullmetal Alchemist' who is purely evil. He merged his daughter with a dog to try and make talking chimeras.

1) Johan Liebert Johan Liebert is the king of evil villains in anime. This man massacred thousands of people for sport. He is truly a villain in every sense of the word. 

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