Christina Applegate Slams Candace Owens For Insensitive Comment About Disabled Model


Christina Applegate has responded to the conservative commentator Candace Owens following her criticism of an underwear commercial featuring a model in a wheelchair.

A recent clip from an episode of Owens’ Daily Wire led to a lot of backlash on social media after she blasted a 2022 campaign for Kim Kardashian’s Skims clothing line where a model in a wheelchair was promoting the products.

Speaking in a response to the ad, Owens said that she does not understand how far people are going to take the inclusivity thing and she wants a clarification on if she needs to learn anything.

Owens continued by questioning why they have been doing it and she does not understand why it needs to be done. She said that she is tired of the entire inclusivity thing.

She claimed that people in wheelchairs would support her in this and that they are on her side. Applegate then posted a tweet where she said that she was shocked to read Owens’ post.

Applegate stated that she will try to sleep but her rage is keeping her awake. She wrote that Owens is not aware that her team had to help her.

She added that her last tweet was enough but then her heart said something else to her and that she does not wish to keep any rage inside her.

Applegate ended by asking if Candace wants to get on the phone with her to be educated on being disabled. She added that she will not get angry and will come with love because Candace needs to hear that.

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