Coronation Planning Plunged Into Chaos By Demands From Harry And Meghan


King Charles’ coronation ceremony has been on the headlines for a long time and the major reason has been the questions regarding the appearance of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Now the ceremony is on the spotlight again as the Harry and Meghan have claimed for a place in the Buckingham Palace balcony during the coronation.

The duo have also requested for acknowledgement during the festivities of their two young children and the requests have led to chaos among the family and the organizers.

Reports state that the pair are putting their decision to attend the ceremony on hold for some time until the organizers agree to their requests.

Prince Harry

Harry and Meghan have already received their invitations for the ceremony which is scheduled to be held on May 6, 2023.

Harry and Meghan have not clarified anything on if they are willing to go for the round trip which will cover around 5,459 miles.

It is being expected that the pair will be met with a cold shoulder by senior members of the royal family if they agree to go for the ceremony.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s relationship with the rest of the royal family members have been affected following the release of Harry’s memoir Spare which revealed a lot of secrets known and unknown about the royal family.

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