Dwayne Johnson Makes  Demeaning Statement About Marvel Avengers


Dwayne Johnson has been having a pretty tough time due to his rift with Henry Cavill and his DC movie not doing well in the box office. 

Whatever be his situation, the Black Adam actor is here to say something on the Avengers. 

The Rock doesn't consider Avengers as strong as DC superheroes. 

He claims that the warlord Thanos wouldn't stand a chance in front of the DC Universe superheroes.  

The actor was answering to the question whether the MCU villain Mad Titan scares him. To this he answered that even Thanos doesn't scare him. 

 The Rock also called his Avenger buddies "pu**ies"  of being scared of Thanos. 

However this was just a friendly banter from the actor, he has always been excited by both Marvel and DC superheroes.

Still when it comes to picking sides, the actor will stick to DC, obviously, he is a superhero from the franchise!

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