Elon Musk Faces Lawsuit From Fired Twitter Employees

Yash Singh


Right after the acquisition of Twitter, the world’s richest man fired nearly half of its workforce to cut costs.

Several fired employees have filed cases against Musk over the terms of their terminations. 

The lawyers claim that a lot of employees did not receive the promised severance and compensation from the company. 

Elon Musk

They claimed that Musk's work ethic ignored California law by denying compensation and the 60-day warning time.

Lawyer Shannon Liss-Riordan said, “It’s very concerning that the richest man in the world thinks that he can walk all over employee rights and doesn’t have to follow the law. We intend to hold him accountable“.

Musk also squashed the work-from-home condition and ordered all his employees to work from the office, disregarding people with health issues.

Musk recently installed bedrooms in the San Francisco headquarter for employees to work longer hours.

Image credit: Google

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