Elon Musk Makes A Prediction About Donald Trump


Elon Musk's political leanings have changed over the years. In the past, he donated to both Republican as well as Democrat candidates.

Now, he has become an outright supporter of the Republican party. Recently, he made a prediction about Donald Trump's fate at the 2024 Presidential polls.

Amid reports of the former President's possible arrest, Musk took to Twitter to express his thoughts.

"If this happens, Trump will be re-elected in a landslide victory", Musk tweeted. 

This was in response to a user stating that the arrest might be the "beginning of Trump's reelection."

Trump has been facing a probe for allegedly paying money to women, who have accused him of sexually assaulting them, in order to silence them.

In the past, Musk was critical of Trump and even wrote that he should "hang up his hat & sail into the sunset."

However, lately, the billionaire has grown a soft corner for Trump and the Republican party.

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