Elon Musk Says Media Is Racist Towards “Whites And Asians”


Elon Musk is known to be vocal about everything. From politics, and business to other things, the Tesla CEO never shies away from expressing his opinion via Twitter on all kinds of issues.

On Sunday, Musk accused the media of racism against whites and Asians.

This happened after The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, and USA Today canceled the cartoon called “Dilbert“.

Musk said that the media is now “racist against whites & Asians” after Scott Adams, the creator of the cartoon, made several racist comments against Black Americans and wrote racist comments on his YouTube channel last week.

Maybe they can try not being racist,” he tweeted. He also said that the news coverage is “Very disproportionate to promote a false narrative.”

He said the media had long been racist against non-white people but things are changing now. 

He also tweeted in response to a thread about white victims of police violence not getting enough media coverage compared to Black victims.

The billionaire has received criticism in the past for his controversial tweets.

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