Factual Errors In Prince Harry’s ‘Spare’ Memoir

Yash Singh

The Duke of Sussex has been creating headlines with the things he has written in his memoir ‘Spare.’ However, there seem to be some factual errors in his book.

Harry claimed that he offered to buy his wife Meghan Markle’s father, Thomas Markle, a first-class ticket. It was for an Air New Zealand flight between Mexico to the UK.

However, a spokesperson for Air New Zealand said that the airline has “never operated flights” between Mexico and Great Britain.

They also don’t offer first-class flights but only Business class.

The prince also wrote that he got an Xbox from Princess Diana in 1997.

Xboxes, however, did not exist until 2001 and they were not available in the England market until 2002.

Harry also wrote that King Henry VI was his “great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.

Henry VI had only one son, Edward of Westminster, who died at age 17 during a battle.

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