Goop Interest Skyrockets Nearly 200% Following Gwyneth Paltrow Trial


Gwyneth Paltrow’s trial has been getting a lot of attention. But the trial has now brought some profit for her company Goop.

Interest towards the company went up by 195% after Paltrow emerged victorious. The data was revealed by Japan-101 researchers.

A spokesperson for Japan-101 said that Paltrow’s court appearance is currently trending and every detail has been on top of the headlines.

The spokesperson added that although Paltrow won $1 in damages, she might receive far more purchases through Goop on different products.

Following the verdict, Gwyneth Paltrow issued a statement, saying that acquiescing to a false claim compromised her integrity. Paltrow added that she is happy with the outcome.

The ski accident happened in Utah in 2016 and it involved retired optometrist Terry Sanderson. The accident left Sanderson with four broken ribs, a concussion, and brain damage.

Terry sued Gwyneth seeking damages worth $1 million. The former claimed that the latter hit him repeatedly and left the spot.

While Paltrow countersued Sanderson, she claimed that Terry hit her and she also sustained a full-body blow.

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