Gwyneth Paltrow tells court she initially thought skiing accident was sexual assault


Gwyneth Paltrow has been on the headlines for sometime due to the trial that has been ongoing related to her ski trip followed by an accident in 2016.

A doctor named Terry Sanderson accused her of crashing into him on the ski slope at the Deer Valley Resort in Park City, Utah, in February 2016.

During the trial, Paltrow said that she thought she was being sexually assaulted during the collision, stating that she felt a body pressing against her and that she heard a weird grunting noise.

She confessed that she felt very upset about the incident and also shouted to Sanderson, saying that he skied directly into her back.

While testifying on the fourth day of the trial, Paltrow described herself as an intermediate skier who knew the rules of skiing but denied being engaged in risky behavior on the slopes and repeated that she had been skied into from behind.

Gwyneth Paltrow said that she was confused at first and did not know what was happening. She added that it was a strange thing to happen on a ski slope and she froze and got upset a few seconds later.

Sanderson’s attorney Ms Van Orman tried to get Paltrow to speak about everything that happened on that day but had to recreate the events herself.

The lawsuit was filed back in 2019 where Sanderson claimed that he suffered a few injuries and Paltrow skied away while he was lying down in an injured state.

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