Hollywood Celebrities Who Survived Horrible Accidents


Tiger Woods survived a car crash in February 2021 when his SUV flipped down an embankment in Los Angeles. He could not play a full tour schedule following the accident.

Scott Disick crashed his Lamborghini in Calabasas on August 21, 2022, but suffered a few injuries. Police reports mentioned that he did not seem impaired at the time of the accident.

Padma Lakshmi met with an accident in Malibu, California. She suffered a fractured right hip and a shattered right upper arm following which she had to undergo surgery.

Mariska Hargitay was present during a car crash that killed her mother Kayne Mansfield, her boyfriend Sam Brody, and the driver in 1967.

Kanye West was involved in a car crash several years ago which happened in Los Angeles on October 23, 2002. He suffered injuries including a shattered jaw and two broken legs.

Sharon Stone survived a car crash in her 30s when her car slammed black ice. The pole which was hit by the car was also split in half.

Tracy Morgan survived a collision incident in 2014 where he was involved in a multi-vehicle accident. He was taken to the ICU and was battling with his life for many months.

Gloria Estefan was involved in a crash where her tour bus was hit by an 18-wheeler. Gloria suffered a broken back and her mouth tasted of ‘electricity.’

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