Hugh Jackman Has Damaged His Vocal Cords And Wolverine Is To Blame


Hugh Jackman has gained recognition for his appearance as Wolverine in the X-Men films. However, his vocal cords have also been affected for the same.

While speaking to BBC’s Front Row recently, he said that his role as the mutant superhero had a bad impact on his vocal cords.

Jackman confessed that he has damaged his voice with Wolverine and that his falsetto is not as strong as it was used to be and that he directly puts down to some of the growling and yelling.

He said that his vocal teacher in drama school would have been scared with some of the things he did as Wolverine. He said he was taught how to shout and yell without ruining the voice when he was in school.

Jackman added that he is working with a singing teacher and tried not to hurt himself. He said that he put a lot of effort into physical movement and vocal preparation for every role.

He will reprise his role as Wolverine in Deadpool 3 and he said that his fitness regimen will be his job for six months.

He elaborated by saying that he cannot rush everything and that they have six months from when he would finish The Music Man and start filming for it.

He stated that he is fit and because he is doing eight shows in a week and has been involved with Broadway, singing and dancing and added that he is healthy and has a good place to start.

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