Despite the show's ending, Jodie Comer sees a future for her 'Killing Eve' character Villanelle.
The 'Killing Eve' finale ended with Villanelle taking a bullet for Eve. But even with Villanelle reemerging from the water, her fate is left ambiguous.
Appearing on the 'Happy Sad Confused' podcast, she admitted to expecting a mixed reaction to the 'Killing Eve' finale, saying it was "tricky" to dictate what people would like.
She also doesn't like the idea of Villanelle floating in the river and hopes she's still alive and kicking.
She added, "I don't like thinking of her floating in the River Thames. So, I think she crawled out. Or, like, yeah, maybe she's been like reborn and now she's having to deal with like, past like Karma."
The creative team behind 'Killing Eve' decided to wrap the show, feeling the relationship between Villanelle and Eve reached its conclusive ending.
A 'Killing Eve' spin-off is said to be in the works. It will center around Carolyn Martens' early years as an MI6 spy. There's currently no update on the state of the project.
Since starring in 'Killing Eve,' Jodie Comer has appeared in 'Free Guy' with Ryan Reynolds and 'The Last Duel' with Matt Damon and Adam Driver. She currently stars in the smash hit stage play 'Prima Facie.'