Julia Roberts: Top 5 Movies

Julia Roberts played legal aid turned activist Erin Brockovich in the Oscar-winning biopic in 2000. She was as passionate as she was brilliant.

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Erin Brockovich

In the 1990 film, a 21-year-old Julia played the role of sex worker Vivian Ward and was an absolute breath of fresh air in Hollywood.

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Pretty Woman

In the classic romantic comedy, ‘Notting Hill’, Julia played Anna Scott, a movie star, and showed how there’s “just a girl” behind all the stardom.

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Notting Hill

This was a challenging role in the initial years of her career. In the film, Julia played a bride-to-be Shelby Eatenton, who struggles to be able to start a family.

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Steel Magnolias

The coming-of-age drama features Julia in the role of the mother of a boy with Treacher Collins syndrome. She gave an extraordinary performance in it.

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