Know All About Noah Baumbach's White Noise

Written, directed and co-produced by Noah Baumbach, White Noise comicaly covers the emergency in the American town of Blacksmith.

Academy Award nominees like Adam Driver, Greta Gerwig, and Don Cheadle star in the dark comedy.

The movie is an adaptation of Don DiLello 1985 novel White Noise. The book revolves around Jack Gladney, his fifth wife Babatte and their children. Jack is seen struggling with the fear of his own death, his cheating wife and the toxic spill over his town. 

The movie premiered in the 79th Venice International Film Festival on 31 August 2022. There it won the Green Drop Award and was also nominated for the Golden Lion award.

The film has been received fairly well by viewres Rotten Tomatoes gave the adaptation 78% while numerous credited sites praise the film's unwitting humor and music. 

The movie will be released in select cinemas on 25 November and can be streamed on Netflix later on 30 December.

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