Leonardo DiCaprio Testifies For Prosecution At Trial Of Fugees Rapper Pras Michel


Titanic star Leonardo DiCaprio took the stand on Monday as the first witness in the trial of former Fugees member Pras Michel.

DiCaprio testified for around an hour on his relationship with Malaysian businessman Jho Low in a bid by prosecutors to show that the latter used stolen money to curry favor with popular personalities.

DiCaprio came to the courtroom in a blue suit escorted by US Marshals. He spoke slowly during the testimony and District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly had to request him to speak up.

DiCaprio revealed to the jurors that he attended Low’s birthday party in Las Vegas in 2010. The party also marked their first introduction.

The Revenant star said that he met Michel in the 90s during a Fugees concert. DiCaprio mentioned that Michel possibly attended a Thanksgiving meal at his home.

Low and DiCaprio’s relationship was social in the beginning. The latter testified and recalled the parties at different places where Michel was reportedly a guest.

While government prosecutors called DiCaprio as a witness, jury members who appeared bored during the previous witness snapped to attention.

A juror’s head shot up from her hands and another looked around excitedly. A third juror quietly clapped his hands and leaned back in his seat.

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