Liam Neeson Rejected James Bond Film After His Wife's  Ultimatum

Liam Neeson has played all kinds of characters in his long career. From heroes to saviors to villains, he has done it all.

here was also a time when the ‘Taken‘ actor was offered the role of James Bond.

Neeson has revealed that the producer of James Bond Barbara Broccoli contacted him quite a few times to play the role of the British spy agent in the 1990s.

This was right after he received an Oscar nomination for ‘Schindler’s List.’

Schindler’s List’ had come out and Barbara [Broccoli] had called me a couple of times to ask if I was interested, and I said, ‘Yes, I would be interested‘”, he recalls.

However, his late wife Natasha Richardson didn’t want him to do that role.

He said Natashan said to him “while we were shooting ‘Nell’ down in the Carolinas, ‘Liam, I want to tell you something: If you play James Bond, we’re not getting married.’”

Neeson’s love for his wife outmatched his interest to play that character.

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