Most Evil Deeds Of Dio Brando In ‘JoJo's Bizarre Adventures’ 


Dio is the primary antagonist of the first three installments of 'JoJo's Bizarre Adventures'. Dio is hungry for power and has no limits when it comes to acquiring it.

For some reason, Dio was threatened by Jonathan Joestar and wanted to prove to his adoptive father that he should be the one to inherit the fortune. 

This was the start of the long-lasting enmity between Dio and the Joestar family. In his quest for power, Dio did some very questionable things. 

5) Killing Danny Dio killed Danny, Jonathan's dog. Danny was mistaken for trash and was thrown in the incinerator where he died. This is a new low, even for power-thirsty antagonists. 

4) Dio Kisses Erina Dio's hatred for Jonathan became even more evident when he kissed Erina, the girl Jonathan liked just to create awkwardness between Erina and Jonathan. 

3) Dio Becomes A Vampire Dio was always hungry for power and he stopped at nothing to gain it. He willingly used the stone mask to become immortal and to gain more power than Jonathan. 

2) He Takes Over Jonathan's Body In a very twisted turn of events, Dio took over Jonathan's body by reattaching his head to the body. 

1) He Killed Joseph Dio sucks Joseph out of his blood. He was able to achieve that because of his abilities and he left behind a withered corpse.  

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