Prince Harry Terrified That Royal Family May Leak His Deepest Secrets 


A month after his non-fiction book, 'Spare', hit the stores, Prince Harry claims that the Royal Family will spill the beans on his "deepest secrets". 

A report published by OK says, "It wouldn’t surprise Harry if the royals spilled some of his deepest secrets to the media"

The Duke of Sussex's book upon release showed the late Queen, King Charles, Prince Willaims and his wife Kate Middleton in very unflattering light.

Therefore, the Prince fears that the Royal Family will do anything to, "discredit Harry at any opportunity, especially now that he’s stood up to them."

The report titles this as "classic Palace damage control".  And the Harry says that he can do nothing but deny their allegations that may come. 

After making the personal lives of the family public in his memoir, Harry seems to regret revealing too much. 

On the other hand, the Palace seems to extend an olive branch to the drifted relation. The report claims the Royal Family is tryin to reconcile the brothers before King Charles III coronation.

In his book, Harry wrote that Prince Willaims almost got into a physical fight with Harry over a heated arguement. 

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