Sam Neill Reveals Sad Truth About Late Actor Robin Williams


Sam Neill has recently opened up about his friendship with the late comedic star Robin Williams. The duo collaborated on a few projects in the past.

The duo worked together in Bicentennial Man in 1999 and Neill recalled his experience working with Williams on his newly released memoir, Did I Ever Tell You This?

While they were working as costars, Neill recalled the conversations that he had with Williams at the time as they visited each other’s trailers.

Neill explained that he and Williams used to talk to each other on different topics and explained that Williams was irresistibly, outrageously, irrepressibly and gigantically funny.

Neill hinted that Williams was possibly suffering a lot and called him as one of the saddest persons he ever met in his life.

Sam Neill stated that Robin Williams was rich and was loved by the public and that he feels sorry for Williams, adding that Williams seemed to be inconsolably solitary and deeply depressed.

Neill said that Williams was able to work through those dark spots, and that funny stuff came out of him when the cameras were turned on.

Robin Williams committed suicide back on August 11, 2014 and he was 63 years old at the time. It was later revealed that he had Lewy body dementia, the second-most common type of progressive dementia after Alzheimer’s disease.

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