Selena Gomez Defends Taylor Swift After Hailey Bieber Diss Video Resurfaces


Selena Gomez has came out in defense of her best friend Taylor Swift. She defended Swift on TikTok following a clip of Hailey Bieber dissing her went viral.

Hailey was a co-host of the rap battle show Drop the Mic with Method Man in the video and it remains unknown from which episode the clip is from.

Method Man was seen using the meanest lyrics in a rap battle about a celebrity following Swift’s last album and Hailey seemed to make a gagging motion when Taylor’s name came up and put her hands up to her mouth.

Gomez wrote in a comment below the video that her best friend is and continues to be one of the best so far in the entire game.

Gomez spoke the words when the internet was full of theories that Hailey and Kylie Jenner were helping Gomez to over-laminate her eyebrows by sharing pictures of their eyebrows on social media the same day.

Jenner and Gomez denied the theories in comments below a video on Wednesday and Jenner described it silly and Gomez said that she is a fan of Jenner.

Gomez also commented “I love you” below a video where someone defending her referred Hailey and Jenner as nepo babies, mean girls and b**ches.

Gomez revealed during the live session that she is planning to take a break from social media and described herself as blessed for having a lot of best friends.

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