Steve Davis May Take Over Twitter As The CEO

Nishant Bhise

Twitter may soar or come crashing down quickly due to its leader Elon Musk.

Elon Musk-led Twitter was heavily hit after advertisers pulled out advertising on Twitter. It was one of the major revenue channels for the platform.

Along with the microblogging site, he has four other business ventures to look after. So, Musk has been searching for his replacement as the CEO of Twitter.

Steve Davis, the CEO of The Boring Company may be  a strong candidate to be the CEO of Twitter.

He has been with Elon Musk since the SpaceX days as an engineer. It is said that he is the one behind the recent layoffs at the Twitter after he questioned managers about employees' credibility.

Steve Davis, after joining Twitter, has helped him to cut costs to $1 billion.

Elon Musk has recently laid off some key employees at the Twitter including Esther Crawford, the Director of Product Management at Twitter.

After the layoff, she tweeted that going all in Twitter 2.0 with "optimism or hardwork" feels like "a mistake".

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