Tesla Owners, Fed Up Of Elon Musk's Antics, Are Ditching Their Cars 


Elon Musk and his tweets and statements have been often controversial and political. 

But will these statements cost him his electronic car company? Most probably. Many Tesla users are not fans of Musk's polarizing views online. 

In the recent months, the Twitter CEO has been quite outspoken, and has even become more political. 

Major loss of money for Musk in 2022, came due to the electric car company not performing well in the market. 

Musk's right wing views have turned many Tesla lovers to rethink their choice of electric cars in the market. 

One reason Tesla was in the forefront in the car sales was because it was a great brand but now it is no longer so. 

A recent study by Morning Consult showed that the net favorability rating of the brand among the Democrats have dropped by 20% .

However, there has been a slight rise in favorability of Tesla by Republicans. Hope the company gains back its users in the coming months!

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