Three Elven Rings of Power: Everything To Know

The Three Rings were magical artefacts, three of the Rings of Power. They were forged by Celebrimbor.

- Lorem Ipsum

They were named Vilya, Narya, and Nenya after the principal elements of air, fire, and water.

- Lorem Ipsum

Nenya: The Ring of Adamant and the Ring of Water, was made of mithril with a stone of adamant. It was the chief of the Three and was worn by Galadriel.

- Lorem Ipsum

Narya: The Ring of Fire and the Red Ring, set with a ruby, originally worn by Círdan who gave it to Gandalf.

- Lorem Ipsum

Vilya: The Ring of Sapphire, Blue Ring, and the Ring of Air, and mightiest of the Three. A ring of gold with a sapphire stone, originally worn by Gil-galad but given to Elrond.

- Lorem Ipsum

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