Top 5 Facts About Mithril

Mithril is a fictional metal found in J.R.R Tolkien’s Work and is depicted as Silver colored and stronger than steel.

- Lorem Ipsum

The major source of this material was the caves of Khazad-dûm, Kingdom of Dwarves in Moria.

- Lorem Ipsum

The metal has a secrecy around it because of dwarves’ nature of jealous possessiveness.

- Lorem Ipsum

After Moria was destroyed by the Balrog and Dwarves moved out of there, Mithril became even rare.

- Lorem Ipsum

According to legends, Mithril was worth ten times its weight in gold even when it was not so rare.

- Lorem Ipsum

Although Khazad-dûmwas the only major source of Mithril ore, It was also allegedly found in Númenor and Aman.

- Lorem Ipsum

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