Top 5 Most Inspiring Fictional Characters Of All Time

Atticus Finch from the famous novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee is a believer in racial equality. He strives to pass these lessons to his children. He is an inspiration to all and teaches us that we should always fight for what’s right. Which is more important than doing what is easy.

Katniss Everdeen is the protagonist and narrator of the 'Hunger Games' trilogy by Suzanne Collins. She is a fierce and strong fictional character who is more mature than her age. Responsible for her family, she is fiercely protective of them. She is rebellious and disregards many rules to take care of her family which is her whole world. A very inspiring fictional character, she encourages readers to break all barriers to achieve what they want.

Liesel is an interesting character from the book 'Book Thief'. At the age of nine, she sees her brother die and has experienced an evacuation and the trauma of her country being at war. These traumatic experiences shape her character. Liesel is kind, daring, and loyal. She shows kindness to the Jews, to Max, and to Rosa Hubberman. Liesel's daring shows when she steals the books, 'The Grave Digger's Handbook', and again when she steals the book 'The Shoulder Shrug' from the book fire. She is loyal, shows forgiveness, and is compassionate to classmates who mock and torment her. With the backdrop of the holocaust period, her character can inspire even the laziest ones.

It's no secret that representation is important. Whenever Disney releases a new princess movie, stores make millions on dresses and crowns that emulate the princess's wardrobe. Kids everywhere try to match their new role models, wearing wigs and coating on makeup to match the girl on the screen. When Disney launched a curly hair-red head, people screamed with joy. To make it even more interesting, the princess is completely out of the ordinary and also explicitly ordinary. Her daring and courageous acts are something extraordinary whilst her tumble with her mother and brothers and also with her hair and her dress is just so ordinary like us. It's just so satisfying to watch a normal representation. She is an inspiration and she knows that.

'Dead Poets Society', is a movie that won the Academy Award for best screenplay and earned Robert Williams an Academy Award nomination for best actor in a leading role. Williams portrayed John Keating — an English teacher with a penchant for poetry and creativity, which inspired his classroom of boys to engage in literature. His character taught his students to seize the day. If I had a penny to count those who were inspired by this character, I would have been a billionaire now.

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